Our Solution:
Cleaning the Oceans
Great Ocean Garbage Collectors
Technology invented by Randy Hatton called the "Great Ocean Garbage Collectors," is designed to remove large volumes of garbage from our oceans efficiently, effectively, and with the least harm to sea life.
Randy's thirty-five years of commercial fishing experience gave him the knowledge necessary to create this technology. He worked on the most advanced, large scale fisheries in the world. He developed these ideas from knowledge gained and his deep love and passion to give back to the oceans.
Project Clean Oceans is one of the most important goals for our planet today. Give us eight years, and the plastic in our oceans will no longer be an environmental disaster. Instead, our work will create jobs and remove and stop billions of pounds of garbage from entering the world's oceans of the world, thereby preventing millions of innocent and unnecessary marine life deaths.
Watch the video on the right to see the whole project explained.

How It Works
The Great Ocean Garbage Collectors are intended for ships similar to large-scale (Mid-Water Trawl) commercial fishing vessels called catcher/processors.
These ships will be equipped with the most advanced technology to process and recycle the plastic into fuel and building materials while still at sea. We will use our recycled materials, grade A to fuel the ship and grade B to make modular blocks.
These modular blocks will be constructed using specially designed casings, allowing air pockets in the center for better insulation value. These are then coated in a UV-resistant polymer to keep the materials from photo-degrading. Once the ship is filled with the modular blocks, it will return to port and be sold as building materials for profit.